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Updated: 2023-08-02

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Netherland, Zealand 2018

Home - Journeys - Netherland, Zealand 2018

From time to time groups of Thai ladies from Apeldoorn, with or without husband, go to Zealand to find mussels and oysters. And of course to eat it too.
This time we also go along.

Who has taken the initiative, we do not know, it does not matter. Molticha with her two children, Tum and Hans, Pui, her baby and her sister, and someone from Hoenderloo go along.
We leave at about nine o'clock to pick up Molticha. It is agreed to meet the others at a gas station along the Europaweg.
When we get there, the others are already there. We go with three cars, we do not drive together, we will meet again in Zealand, on the south side of Schouwen-Duiveland in a parking lot where the Weg van de Buitenlandse Pers turns into the Nieuwendijk.

When everyone is there, the cars are unloaded, mats to sit on and especially food. After dinner, the ladies are going to find oysters along a breakwater; Tom and Hans stay to look after the food. The ladies come back with bags full of Japanese oysters, which they almost can not carry. They have not found mussels.
You become hungry from searching, so it's eating time again.

We are now going to the Grevelingendam. Again it is unpacking, eating, and searching for oysters. It is busy, many people are eating or are searching. The water is rising, so the ladies come back slowly, again with many oysters, European flat oysters this time.

And they must be eaten. After dinner we drive back to Apeldoorn, where we arrive around nine o'clock.

Written on: 2018-11-02


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